What's your use case?


Programming skills assessment

We give you enough relevant data, so that drawing conclusions is a no-brainer. Assess faster and give relevant feedback to your candidates, students, or employees. Identify unique skill-sets and knowledge gaps quickly.

Benefit from:

  • detailed reports and custom testing methods
  • customizable testing and ranking formulas
  • assessment scenarios for specific technologies
Illustration of developers working out
Illustration of HR staff recruiting developers

Recruiting software developers

We provide you with a platform that covers both: automated assessment of programming challenges, as well as real-life scenarios involving latest software development frameworks.

Benefit from:

  • developer-friendly environment for solving problems
  • automated assessment of complicated coding challenges
  • support for 80+ programming languages and technologies

Teaching programming skills

We enable tutors and students to reach their maximum capacity inside a “learn to code” environment. Tutors improve their productivity with full automation of the code assessment process and students get instant feedback on their work in real-time.

Benefit from:

  • integration with learning management systems
  • CMS to create programming challenges
  • dedicated communication channel for tutors and students
Illustration of people learning to code oneline
Benefit no matter the use case scenario


Create coding assessment solutions in-house and save on expenses

Save on research, development, maintenance, and infrastructure

Handle big events cost-effectively and with with ease

Get rid of multiple vendors

Give your developers more time to spend on the product itself instead of reinventing the wheel

Automate the boring stuff (code compilation, code assessment, generating reports, etc.)

Quickly validate your PoCs and business plans

Have a team of experts in the field at your fingertips

Plan and outsource on-demand feature development

Receive enterprise-grade security and define a SLA